Labor Day weekend '08 at Carlos State ParkWe're moving. We've been looking to move to another place for awhile now. We had been looking at a lake place, but it turned out to be cost-prohibitive. We then told ourselves that we wouldn't look for another place until at least the end of summer. Of course, we kept looking and found a nice place in a great neighborhood that just happens to be close to my frequent biking partner, Big D.
We decided to go for it. We made an offer, put our house on the market and unbelievably, it sold in 6 days. We are moving from our place on July 3rd and move into the new place on the 10th.
Only 6 days!What's that you ask? There is a week between the two dates? I can't believe we overlooked that. Oh wait, isn't that what the two "professionals" that were hired to get this thing put together would handle? I guess not. What it means is that we are staying in a local hotel (on the realtor's tab) for 5 nights between closing dates. M will love it since it has a pool and our friends are helping a ton by having us over for dinner a couple of nights to get us out of the hotel. Rant over, lessons learned and once we're into our new house, all will be good.
We are busy packing and so the riding has been limited. Fortunately, I was able to get out today for some gravel. New gravel was ridden and some new possibilities for our tentative Fall gravel race/ride Big D and I are thinking of organizing. Details to follow.
Part of the race/ride routeJRA
Scott S.
PS: I've decided to start including random photos on this blog. Why? Because I want to, that's why and often I have pics that don't fit with the post otherwise but I want to share them. Here's one that would have fit yesterday's post better:
The swimmers in the family